Contributor Bio

Melissa Ramirez

Affiliation: NC State University


My Info

Dr. Ramirez obtained her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Virginia Tech. Her postdoctoral research focused on antibiotic resistance in tuberculosis, first at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and later at the Mycobacteria Research Laboratories at Colorado State University. Dr. Ramirez joined the faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences at NC State as a Teaching Assistant Professor in 2014. Her primary teaching focuses are Microbiology (MB 351 General Microbiology, MB 411 Medical Microbiology), Immunology (MB 441), and Tuberculosis First Year Seminar (LSC 170). Dr. Ramirez is the Coordinator of the Microbiology Online Undergraduate Certificate. Her other areas of focus include the scholarship of teaching and learning in microbiology, and defining best practices to enhance inclusion in life sciences education. Dr. Ramirez loves science and is passionate about showing others just how awesome microbiology can be.


  • Microbiology
  • Molecular biology
  • Course design